This is the Navbar tag. It only adds some nice styles for wrapper component/tag.
This is the NavbarBrand tag. You can used it inside the NavbarContainer..
This is the NavbarButton tag. You can used it inside the NavbarContainer to make the NavbarCollapse open on small devices. We've added a style of display block important so that you may see it.
This is the NavbarCollapse tag. You can used it inside the NavbarContainer.
This is the NavbarContainer tag. This adds a nice width for your navbar on large screens.
This is the NavbarList tag. This is the wrapper for the list items.
This is the NavbarListItem tag. This is the wrapper for the list link.
This is the NavbarListLink tag. This is the link from inside your navbar list.
And here is a full example with all of the above. As you can see, now it makes more sense.