
We've created these dynamic routes, so we wouldn't have to write them in two places. On place would have been inside our Sidebar and the onther one would be either the src/RTL.js layout or the src/Admin.jslayout. You will find all our demo routes in src/routes.js

Please note that these are just demo routes. You can delete them and create your own routing system, or you can easily replace them with normal Routes and Links or NavLinks from react-router-dom. If you do not understand them, please take in consideration replacing them with normal routes and use the src/routes.js just for rendering Links inside the Sidebar component.

{ path: "/path/name", name: "Name Of the View", rtlName: "اسم العرض", icon: <Icon />, component: ViewComponent, layout: "/layout-path" },


  • path (path for your route - this will be seen in the browser url input - example /dashboard)
  • name(name of your route - this will appear in the Sidebar and Navbar components - example Dashboard)
  • rtlName (name of your route - this will appear in the Sidebar and Navbar components - example لوحة القيادة if rtlActive prop is set on the Sidebar and Navbar components)
  • icon (icon to be displayed alongside with links in Sidebar component - example <DocumentIcon color="inherit" />)
  • component (this is the View component that you want to be displayed on the specified route - example Dashboard)
  • layout (path of the layout in which the View component you want to be rendered - in our template demo you only have to options: /admin and /rtl - but due to this routing system you can add more, for example /new-layout)

For a better understanding, please take a look inside the file at hand, and also how the routes are rendered while the app si opened.


Because our routes are arrays of objects, and each route is an object, you can add what props you want in our routes and do what you want with them.

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