Striped Table with Hover

Here is a subtitle for this table

ID Name Salary Country City
1 Dakota Rice $36,738 Niger Oud-Turnhout
2 Minerva Hooper $23,789 Curaçao Sinaai-Waas
3 Sage Rodriguez $56,142 Netherlands Baileux
4 Philip Chaney $38,735 Korea, South Overland Park
5 Doris Greene $63,542 Malawi Feldkirchen in Kärnten
6 Mason Porter $78,615 Chile Gloucester

Table on Plain Background

Here is a subtitle for this table

ID Name Salary Country City
1 Dakota Rice $36,738 Niger Oud-Turnhout
2 Minerva Hooper $23,789 Curaçao Sinaai-Waas
3 Sage Rodriguez $56,142 Netherlands Baileux
4 Philip Chaney $38,735 Korea, South Overland Park
5 Doris Greene $63,542 Malawi Feldkirchen in Kärnten
6 Mason Porter $78,615 Chile Gloucester

Regular Table with Colors

Here is a subtitle for this table

ID Name Salary Country City
1 Dakota Rice (Success) $36,738 Niger Oud-Turnhout
2 Minerva Hooper $23,789 Curaçao Sinaai-Waas
3 Sage Rodriguez (Info) $56,142 Netherlands Baileux
4 Philip Chaney $38,735 Korea, South Overland Park
5 Doris Greene (Danger) $63,542 Malawi Feldkirchen in Kärnten
6 Mason Porter $78,615 Chile Gloucester
7 Mike Chaney (Warning) $38,735 Romania Bucharest