You will find the styles for this component in
If you want to use our predefined components:
import Badge from 'components/Badge/Badge.js';
If you want to use our styles on something else:
import badgeStyle from "/styles/jss/nextjs-material-kit/components/badgeStyle.js"
Badges can be used as part of links or buttons to provide a counter.
<Button color="primary">Notifications{" "}<Badge>4</Badge></Button>
<Badge color="primary">primary</Badge>
<Badge color="info">info</Badge>
<Badge color="success">success</Badge>
<Badge color="danger">danger</Badge>
<Badge color="warning">warning</Badge>
<Badge color="rose">rose</Badge>
Badge.defaultProps = {
color: "gray"
Badge.propTypes = {
classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
color: PropTypes.oneOf([