Rtl Support

Documentation for Rtl Support.

Rtl Support

You can have rtl support on your page by simple follow the steps:

  1. You must add on the body tag the class .rtl-active
  2. Now you have to add in the head the following tag and remove the tag link with bootstrap by default, like in the example below:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.rtlcss.com/bootstrap/v4.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-P4uhUIGk/q1gaD/NdgkBIl3a6QywJjlsFJFk7SPRdruoGddvRVSwv5qFnvZ73cpz" crossorigin="anonymous">
  1. In the last step you must remove the tag link from javascript at the end of the page with bootstrap by default and replace that link with the following:
<script src="https://cdn.rtlcss.com/bootstrap/v4.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-54+cucJ4QbVb99v8dcttx/0JRx4FHMmhOWi4W+xrXpKcsKQodCBwAvu3xxkZAwsH" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>