Discover what’s included in Bootstrap, including our precompiled and source code flavors. Remember, Bootstrap’s JavaScript components require Bootstrap Vue.
Nuxt Argon Dashboard PRO BS4 Structure
Once downloaded, unzip the compressed folder and you’ll see something like this:
|-- nuxt-argon-dashboard-pro
|-- app.html
|-- nuxt.config.js
|-- package.json
|-- polyfills.js
|-- yarn.lock
|-- assets
| |-- css
| | |-- font-awesome
| | |-- nucleo
| |-- sass
| |-- argon.scss
| |-- core
| |-- custom
| |-- _components.scss
| |-- _functions.scss
| |-- _mixins.scss
| |-- _utilities.scss
| |-- _variables.scss
| |-- _vendors.scss
|-- components
| |-- argon-core
| | |-- Badge.vue
| | |-- BaseAlert.vue
| | |-- BaseButton.vue
| | |-- BaseDropdown.vue
| | |-- BaseHeader.vue
| | |-- BasePagination.vue
| | |-- BaseProgress.vue
| | |-- BaseSlider.vue
| | |-- BaseSwitch.vue
| | |-- BaseTable.vue
| | |-- ButtonCheckbox.vue
| | |-- ButtonRadioGroup.vue
| | |-- CloseButton.vue
| | |-- LoadingPanel.vue
| | |-- Modal.vue
| | |-- NavbarToggleButton.vue
| | |-- index.js
| | |-- Breadcrumb
| | | |-- Breadcrumb.vue
| | | |-- BreadcrumbItem.vue
| | | |-- RouteBreadcrumb.vue
| | |-- Cards
| | | |-- Card.vue
| | | |-- StatsCard.vue
| | |-- Charts
| | | |-- BarChart.js
| | | |-- DoughnutChart.js
| | | |-- LineChart.js
| | | |-- PieChart.js
| | | |-- config.js
| | | |-- globalOptionsMixin.js
| | | |-- optionHelpers.js
| | |-- Collapse
| | | |-- Collapse.vue
| | | |-- CollapseItem.vue
| | |-- Feed
| | | |-- Comment.vue
| | |-- Inputs
| | | |-- BaseCheckbox.vue
| | | |-- BaseInput.vue
| | | |-- BaseRadio.vue
| | | |-- DropzoneFileUpload.vue
| | | |-- FileInput.vue
| | | |-- HtmlEditor.vue
| | | |-- IconCheckbox.vue
| | | |-- TagsInput.vue
| | |-- Navbar
| | | |-- BaseNav.vue
| | | |-- NavbarToggleButton.vue
| | |-- NotificationPlugin
| | | |-- Notification.vue
| | | |-- Notifications.vue
| | | |-- index.js
| | |-- SidebarPlugin
| | | |-- SideBar.vue
| | | |-- SidebarItem.vue
| | | |-- index.js
| | |-- Tabs
| | | |-- Tab.vue
| | | |-- Tabs.vue
| | |-- Timeline
| | | |-- TimeLine.vue
| | | |-- TimeLineItem.vue
| | |-- WorldMap
| | |-- AsyncWorldMap.vue
| | |-- WorldMap.vue
| |-- feed
| | |-- Comment.vue
| |-- layouts
| | |-- argon
| | |-- Content.vue
| | |-- ContentFooter.vue
| | |-- DashboardNavbar.vue
| |-- pages
| | |-- UserProfile
| | | |-- EditProfileForm.vue
| | | |-- UserCard.vue
| | |-- dashboard
| | | |-- ActivityFeed.vue
| | | |-- LightTable.vue
| | | |-- PageVisitsTable.vue
| | | |-- ProgressTrackList.vue
| | | |-- SocialTrafficTable.vue
| | | |-- TaskList.vue
| | | |-- UserList.vue
| | |-- forms
| | | |-- BrowserDefaultsValidation.vue
| | | |-- CustomStylesValidation.vue
| | | |-- ServerSideValidation.vue
| | |-- register
| | |-- FailedRegistration.vue
| | |-- SuccessfulRegistration.vue
| |-- tables
| | |-- projects.js
| | |-- users.js
| | |-- users2.js
| | |-- PaginatedTables
| | | |-- clientPaginationMixin.js
| | |-- RegularTables
| | |-- CheckboxColoredTable.vue
| | |-- CheckboxTable.vue
| | |-- DarkTable.vue
| | |-- InlineActionsTable.vue
| | |-- LightTable.vue
| | |-- StripedTable.vue
| | |-- TranslucentTable.vue
| |-- widgets
| |-- CalendarWidget.vue
| |-- CreditCard.vue
| |-- MembersCard.vue
| |-- PaypalCard.vue
| |-- ProgressTrackList.vue
| |-- StatsCards.vue
| |-- TaskList.vue
| |-- TimelineCard.vue
| |-- VectorMapCard.vue
| |-- VisaCard.vue
|-- layouts
| |-- AuthLayout.vue
| |-- DashboardLayout.vue
| |-- error.vue
|-- middleware
| |--
|-- pages
| |-- alternative.vue
| |-- calendar.vue
| |-- charts.vue
| |-- dashboard.vue
| |-- index.vue
| |-- lock.vue
| |-- login.vue
| |-- pricing.vue
| |-- register.vue
| |-- widgets.vue
| |-- components
| | |-- buttons.vue
| | |-- cards.vue
| | |-- grid-system.vue
| | |-- icons.vue
| | |-- notifications.vue
| | |-- typography.vue
| |-- forms
| | |-- components.vue
| | |-- elements.vue
| | |-- validation.vue
| |-- maps
| | |-- API_KEY.js
| | |-- google.vue
| | |-- vector.vue
| |-- pages
| | |-- timeline.vue
| | |-- user.vue
| |-- tables
| |-- paginated.vue
| |-- regular.vue
| |-- sortable.vue
|-- plugins
| |--
| |-- dashboard
| |-- dashboard-plugin.js
| |-- globalComponents.js
| |-- globalDirectives.js
| |-- directives
| |-- click-outside.js
|-- static
| |--
| |-- favicon.png
| |-- sw.js
| |-- img
| |-- brand
| | |-- favicon.png
| | |-- green.png
| | |-- white.png
| |-- icons
| | |-- cards
| | | |-- bitcoin.png
| | | |-- mastercard.png
| | | |-- paypal.png
| | | |-- visa.png
| | |-- common
| | | |-- github.svg
| | | |-- google.svg
| | |-- flags
| | |-- DE.png
| | |-- GB.png
| | |-- US.png
| |-- theme
| |-- angular.jpg
| |-- bootstrap.jpg
| |-- img-1-1000x600.jpg
| |-- img-1-1000x900.jpg
| |-- landing-1.png
| |-- landing-2.png
| |-- landing-3.png
| |-- profile-cover.jpg
| |-- react.jpg
| |-- sketch.jpg
| |-- team-1.jpg
| |-- team-2.jpg
| |-- team-3.jpg
| |-- team-4.jpg
| |-- team-5.jpg
| |-- vue.jpg
|-- store
| |--
| |-- index.js
|-- util
|-- throttle.js
Bootstrap components
Here is the list of Bootstrap 4 components that were restyled in Argon: