Build Tools

Learn how to use Bootstrap’s included npm scripts to build our documentation, compile source code and more.

Tooling setup

Our package.json includes convenient methods for working with the framework, including compiling code and building it for production. The template is based on Nuxt.js which is a modern SSR framework to build Vue apps. It has many built in options and it's very powerful.


We used Nuxt.js for Nuxt Black Dashboard PRO. Nuxt.js is a Vue.js framework that has automatic routing, SSR, static html generation and more. Nuxt is very powerful. You can find more on the Nuxt.js website


Argon uses Autoprefixer (included in our build process) to automatically add vendor prefixes to some CSS properties at build time. Doing so saves us time and code by allowing us to write key parts of our CSS a single time while eliminating the need for vendor mixins like those found in v3.


Nuxt.js is powered by Webpack and it's great ecosystem. Under the hood, Nuxt compiles .vue files into javascript and transforms them into something that is understood by the browser with the help of webpack. You can customize the webpack config quite easily with nuxt. For more info check their docs;


Nuxt uses Babel to convert new Javascript features to features that are understood by the browser. Note that there is .browserlistrc file in the project where you can specify what target browser you aim for. This way, babel knows what features to convert and what features to not convert. Having a modern browser support (e.g excluding Internet Explorer) will most likely result in a small javascript bundle.