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<p>We get insulted by others, lose trust for those others. We get back freezes every winter</p>
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<h4 class="text-white mb-1">Nature's Light</h4>
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<h4 class="text-white mb-1">Cultural</h4>
<p class="text-white text-xs font-weight-bolder text-uppercase opacity-7">257 spots</p>
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<h4 class="text-white mb-1">Popularity</h4>
<p class="text-white text-xs font-weight-bolder text-uppercase opacity-7">363 spots</p>
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<h4 class="text-white mb-1">Modern Life</h4>
<p class="text-white text-xs font-weight-bolder text-uppercase opacity-7">117 spots</p>
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<h4 class="text-white mb-1">Good Vibes</h4>
<p class="text-white text-xs font-weight-bolder text-uppercase opacity-7">215 spots</p>
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Blog 2
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<p class="blockquote border border-primary rounded w-50 p-3 text-sm text-primary float-md-end mt-4 me-md-n2 mx-auto">"Over the span of the satellite record, Arctic sea ice has been declining significantly, while sea ice in the Antarctichas increased very slightly"
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<h3 class="mb-4">So what does the new record for the lowest level of winter ice actually mean</h3>
<p>The Arctic Ocean freezes every winter and much of the sea-ice then thaws every summer, and that process will continue whatever happens with climate change. Even if the Arctic continues to be one of the fastest-warming regions of the world, it will always be plunged into bitterly cold polar dark every winter. And year-by-year, for all kinds of natural reasons, there’s huge variety of the state of the ice.
For a start, it does not automatically follow that a record amount of ice will melt this summer. More important for determining the size of the annual thaw is the state of the weather as the midnight sun approaches and temperatures rise. But over the more than 30 years of satellite records, scientists have observed a clear pattern of decline, decade-by-decade.
<p>The Arctic Ocean freezes every winter and much of the sea-ice then thaws every summer, and that process will continue whatever happens with climate change. Even if the Arctic continues to be one of the fastest-warming regions of the world, it will always be plunged into bitterly cold polar dark every winter. And year-by-year, for all kinds of natural reasons, there’s huge variety of the state of the ice.
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<h6 class="category text-info mt-3">Coworking</h6>
<a href="javascript:;" class="text-darker">Warner Music Group buys concert discovery service Songkick</a>
Warner Music Group announced today it’s acquiring the selected assets of the music platform Songkick, including its app for finding concerts and the company’s trademark. Songkick has been involved in a lawsuit against the major… <a href="javascript:;" class="text-darker icon-move-right text-sm">Read More
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by <a href="javascript:;" class="ms-1"><span class="font-weight-bold text-info">Sarah Perez</span></a>, 2 days ago
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<h6 class="category text-info mt-3">House</h6>
<a href="javascript:;" class="text-darker">Warner Music Group buys concert discovery service Songkick</a>
Warner Music Group announced today it’s acquiring the selected assets of the music platform Songkick, including its app for finding concerts and the company’s trademark. Songkick has been involved in a lawsuit against the major… <a href="javascript:;" class="text-darker icon-move-right text-sm">Read More
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by <a href="javascript:;" class="ms-1"><span class="font-weight-bold text-info">Millie Borough</span></a>, 10 days ago
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<p class="text-gradient text-dark mb-2 text-sm">Entire Apartment • 3 Guests • 2 Beds</p>
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Lovely and cosy apartment
Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers to turn on or off their television, change inputs, fast forward.
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<p class="text-gradient text-dark mb-2 text-sm">Private Room • 1 Guests • 1 Sofa</p>
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Single room in the center of the city
As Uber works through a huge amount of internal management turmoil, the company is also consolidating and rationalizing more of its international business.
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<p class="text-gradient text-dark mb-2 text-sm">Entire Apartment • 4 Guests • 2 Beds</p>
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Independent house bedroom kitchen
Music is something that every person has his or her own specific opinion about. Different people have different taste, and various types of music.
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<p class="text-gradient text-dark mb-2 text-sm">Entire Apartment • 2 Guests • 1 Bed</p>
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Zen Gateway with pool and garden
Fast forward, rewind and more, without having to first invoke a specific skill, or even
press a button on their remote.
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<p class="text-gradient text-dark mb-2 text-sm">Entire Flat • 8 Guests • 3 Rooms</p>
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Cheapest hotels for a luxury vacation
Today, the company announced it will be combining its rides-on-demand business and UberEATS.
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Cozy Double Room Near Station
Different people have different taste, and various types of music have many ways of leaving an impact on someone.
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-normal">Miami raised $65 million for pet sitting</a>
Finding temporary housing for your dog should be as easy as renting an Airbnb. That’s the idea behind Rover, which raised $65 million to expand its pet sitting and dog-walking businesses.. <a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark"> Read More </a>
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<p class="my-auto">Katie Roof</p>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-normal">MateLabs mixes machine learning</a>
If you’ve ever wanted to train a machine learning model and integrate it with IFTTT, a new offering from MateLabs. MateVerse, a platform where novices can spin out machine... <a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark"> Read More </a>
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<p class="my-auto">John Mannes</p>
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-normal">US venture investment ticks up</a>
Venture investment in U.S. startups rose sequentially in the second quarter of 2017, boosted by large, late-stage financings and a few outsized early-stage rounds in tech and healthcare.. <a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark"> Read More </a>
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<p class="my-auto">Devin Coldewey</p>
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Blog 6
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<p class="text-gradient text-primary text-gradient font-weight-bold text-sm text-uppercase">Enterprise</p>
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Siri brings hands-free TV to more devices
Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers to turn on or off their television, change inputs, fast forward, rewind and more, without having to first invoke a specific skill, or even
press a button on their remote.
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<p class="text-gradient text-warning text-gradient font-weight-bold text-sm text-uppercase">Music</p>
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Shark Week: How to Watch It Scientist
As Uber works through a huge amount of internal management turmoil, the company is also consolidating and rationalizing more of its international business. Today, the company announced it will be combining its rides-on-demand business
and UberEATS.
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Blog 7
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<span class="text-gradient text-warning text-uppercase text-xs font-weight-bold my-2">House</span>
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Shared Coworking
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<span>Mathew Glock</span>
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<small>Posted on 28 February</small>
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<span class="text-gradient text-info text-uppercase text-xs font-weight-bold my-2">Office</span>
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Really Housekeeping
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<span>Chriss Smahos</span>
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<small>Posted 2 min ago</small>
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Shared Coworking
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<span>Elijah Miller</span>
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<small>Posted now</small>
Blog 8
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-bold">Rover raised $65 million for pet sitting</a>
Finding temporary housing for your dog should be as easy as
renting an Airbnb. That’s the idea behind Rover ...
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-bold">MateLabs mixes machine learning with IFTTT</a>
If you’ve ever wanted to train a machine learning model
and integrate it with IFTTT, you now can with ...
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-bold">US venture investment ticks up</a>
Venture investment in U.S. startups rose sequentially in
the second quarter of 2017, boosted by large, ate-stage financings
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<a href="javascript:;" class="text-dark font-weight-bold"> Startup Insticator raises $5.2M</a>
Insticator is announcing that it has raised $5.2 million in Series A funding.
The startup allows online publishers to add quizzes ...
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Blog 9
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<p class="lead text-white">The time is now for it to be okay to be great. People in this world should.</p>
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<h4 class="text-white">Siri brings hands-free</h4>
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Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers
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<h4 class="text-white">Soft UI Design System</h4>
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Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers
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<h4 class="text-white">Grow Your Business</h4>
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Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers
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<h4 class="text-white">Train Your Brain</h4>
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Siri's latest trick is offering a hands-free TV viewing experience, that will allow consumers
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<span class="text-gradient text-info">Build something great</span>
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<p class="lead">We’re constantly trying to express ourselves and actualize our dreams. If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment.</p>
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<h4 class="text-white">Search and Discovery</h4>
<p>Website visitors today demand a frictionless user expericence — especially when using search. Because of the hight standards.</p>
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<h4 class="text-white">Search and Discovery</h4>
<p>Website visitors today demand a frictionless user expericence — especially when using search. Because of the hight standards.</p>
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<h4 class="text-white">Search and Discovery</h4>
<p>Website visitors today demand a frictionless user expericence — especially when using search. Because of the hight standards.</p>
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Blog 11
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<h2 class="mb-0 mt-lg-0 mt-4 text-gradient text-info">Read more about us</h2>
<h2 class="mb-4">And find some great partners</h2>
<p class="lead">It really matters and then like it really doesn’t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn’t matter. </p>
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<li class="lead mb-2">People are so scared to lose their hope</li>
<li class="lead mb-2">That’s the main thing people </li>
<li class="lead mb-2">Thoughts- their perception of themselves!</li>
<p class="lead">It really matters and then like it really doesn’t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn’t matter.</p>
<h3 class="mt-4">We will be with you forever</h3>
<p class="lead">It really matters and then like it really doesn’t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn’t matter.</p>
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<span class="text-bold">“And thank you for turning my personal jean jacket into a couture piece.”</span>
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Kanye West, Producer.
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