
We think cards are one of the best ways to organise your information. We went all out with possibilities and we recommended finding the right fit for your product.

import {StatsCard} from '@/components'
import {ChartCard} from '@/components'

Local Usage

components: {

Global Usage


Stats card




update Just Updated
    <stats-card header-color="blue">
      <template slot="header">
        <div class="card-icon">
        <p class="category">Folowers</p>
        <h3 class="title">+245

      <template slot="footer">
        <div class="stats">
           Just Updated

  <props-table component-name="stats-card"></props-table>

  export default {}

StatsCard Slots

Name Description
header Default card header
footer Content for card footer

Chart card

For the implementation of graphic charts, we used Chartist.js.

Website Views

Last Campaign Performance

access_time updated 10 days ago

  <md-icon slot="fixed-button">build</md-icon>
  <md-button class="md-simple md-info md-just-icon" slot="first-button">
    <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom">Refresh</md-tooltip>
  <md-button class="md-simple md-just-icon" slot="second-button">
    <md-icon >edit</md-icon>
    <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom">Change Date</md-tooltip>

  <template slot="content">
    <h4 class="title">Website Views</h4>
      <p class="category">
        Last Campaign Performance

  <template slot="footer">
    <div class="stats">
      updated 10 days ago

<props-table component-name="chart-card"></props-table>


ChartCard Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
type Chart type string line/bar/pie -
options Chart options string - -
data Chart data string - -
title Card title string -
subTitle Card subtitle (displayed above with smaller font) string - -

ChartCard Slots

Name Description
default Default card content
footer Content for card footer

Lock card

Tania Andrew

    <img class="img" slot="imageProfile" :src="$withBase('/img/faces/avatar.jpg')"/>
    <h4 slot="title" class="title">Tania Andrew</h4>
    <md-field slot="content">
      <label>Enter Password</label>
      <md-input v-model="password" type="password"></md-input>
    <md-button href class="md-success md-round" slot="footer">Unlock</md-button>

    export default {
      data () {
        return {
          password: null

  <props-table component-name="lock-card"></props-table>

LockCard Slots

Name Description
imageProfile Default card image
title Default card title
content Default card content
footer Content for card footer

Login card

  <login-card header-color="green">
    <h4 slot="title" class="title">Log in</h4>
    <template slot="buttons">
      <md-button href="#facebook" class="md-just-icon md-simple md-white">
        <i class="fab fa-facebook-square"></i>
      <md-button href="#twitter" class="md-just-icon md-simple md-white">
        <i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>
      <md-button href="#google" class="md-just-icon md-simple md-white">
        <i class="fab fa-google-plus-g"></i>
    <p slot="description" class="description">Or Be Classical</p>
    <template slot="inputs">
      <md-field class="md-form-group">
        <label>First Name...</label>
        <md-input v-model="firstname"></md-input>
      <md-field class="md-form-group">
        <md-input v-model="email" type="email"></md-input>
      <md-field class="md-form-group">
        <md-input v-model="password"></md-input>
    <md-button slot="footer" class="md-simple md-success md-lg">
      Lets Go

    export default {
      data () {
        return {
          password: null,
          firstname: null,
          email: null

  <props-table component-name="login-card"></props-table>

LoginCard Slots

Name Description
title Default card title
description Default card description
buttons card buttons
footer Content for card footer

Pricing card



This is good if your company size is between 2 and 10 Persons.

  <pricing-card card-class="md-card-plain" icon-color="icon-success">
    <h6 slot="category" class="category">Freelancer</h6>
    <md-icon slot="icon">weekend</md-icon>
    <h3 slot="title" class="title">Free</h3>
    <p slot="description" class="card-description">This is good if your company size is between 2 and 10 Persons.</p>
    <md-button slot="footer" class="md-success md-round">Choose Plan</md-button>

  <props-table component-name="pricing-card"></props-table>

PricingCard Slots

Name Description
category card category
icon Default card icon
title Default card title
description Default card description
footer Content for card footer

Product card

We created a beautiful animation for this type of card. By default this animation is set on true, if you want to disable it you can set the Attribute header-animation to false.

Cozy 5 Stars Apartment

The place is close to Barceloneta Beach and bus stop just 2 min by walk and near to "Naviglio" where you can enjoy the main night life in Barcelona.


place Barcelona, Spain

    <img class="img" slot="imageHeader" :src="$withBase('/img/card-2.jpg')">
    <md-icon slot="fixed-button">build</md-icon>
    <template slot="first-button">
      <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom">View</md-tooltip>
    <template slot="second-button">
      <md-icon >edit</md-icon>
      <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom">Edit</md-tooltip>
    <template slot="third-button">
      <md-icon >close</md-icon>
      <md-tooltip md-direction="bottom">Remove</md-tooltip>
    <h4 slot="title" class="title">
      <a href="#pablo">Cozy 5 Stars Apartment</a>
    <div slot="description" class="card-description">
      The place is close to Barceloneta Beach and bus stop just 2 min by walk and near to "Naviglio" where you can enjoy the main night life in Barcelona.
    <template slot="footer">
      <div class="price">
      <div class="stats">
        <p class="category">
          Barcelona, Spain

    <props-table component-name="product-card"></props-table>

ProductCard Slots

Name Description
imageHeader Default card image
fixed-button card fixed button
first-button card details buttons
second-button card details buttons
third-button card details buttons
title Default card title
description Default card description
footer Content for card footer

Testimonial card

Your products, all the kits that I have downloaded from your site and worked with are sooo cool! I love the color mixtures, cards... everything. Keep up the great work!

Alec Thompson

    <template slot="header-icon">format_quote</template>
    <template slot="content">
      <h5 class="description">
        Your products, all the kits that I have downloaded from your site and worked with are sooo cool! I love the color mixtures, cards... everything. Keep up the great work!
    <template slot="footer">
      <h4 class="title">Alec Thompson</h4>
        <h6 class="category">@alecthompson</h6>
        <div class="avatar">
          <a href="#pablo">
            <img class="img" :src="$withBase('/img/faces/card-profile1-square.jpg')">

  <props-table component-name="testimonial-card"></props-table>

TestimonialCard Slots

Name Description
header-icon card header icon
content card content
footer card footer