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          If you can’t decide, the answer is no. If two equally difficult paths,
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          is creating an illusion of equality).
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        <h2 class="mb-4">Find more great partners</h2>
        <p class="mb-2">It really matters and then like it really doesn&#39;t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn&#39;t matter. </p>
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          <li class="mb-2">People are so scared to lose their hope</li>
          <li class="mb-2">That&#39;s the main thing people </li>
          <li class="mb-2">Thoughts- their perception of themselves!</li>
        <p>It really matters and then like it really doesn&#39;t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn&#39;t matter.</p>
        <h3 class="mt-4">We will be with you forever</h3>
        <p>It really matters and then like it really doesn&#39;t matter. What matters is the people who are sparked by it. And the people who are like offended by it, it doesn&#39;t matter.</p>
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          <span class="text-bold">“And thank you for turning my personal jean jacket into a couture piece.”</span>
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            Kanye West, Producer.
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          <h6>Social Conversations</h6>
          <p>We get insulted by others, lose trust for those others. We get back stabbed by friends. It becomes harder for us to give others a hand.</p>
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          <h6>Social Conversations</h6>
          <p>We get insulted by others, lose trust for those others. We get back stabbed by friends. It becomes harder for us to give others a hand.</p>
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          <h6>Social Conversations</h6>
          <p>We get insulted by others, lose trust for those others. We get back stabbed by friends. It becomes harder for us to give others a hand.</p>
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            <h5>Alec Thompson</h5>
            <p class="text-sm mb-0">I&#39;ve been trying to figure out the bed design for the master bedroom at our Hidden Hills compound...I like good music from Youtube.</p>
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          <h4 class="text-center mb-5">3 Comments</h4>
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              <h6>Tina Andrew <span class="text-muted text-xs">· 7 minutes ago</span></h6>

              <p>Chance too good. God level bars. I&#39;m so proud of @LifeOfDesiigner #1 song in the country. Panda! Don&#39;t be scared of the truth because we need to restart the human foundation in truth I stand with the most humility. We are so
              <p>All praises and blessings to the families of people who never gave up on dreams. Don&#39;t forget, You&#39;re Awesome!</p>

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              <h6>John Camber <span class="text-muted text-xs">· Yesterday</span></h6>

              <p>Hello guys, nice to have you on the platform! There will be a lot of great stuff coming soon. We will keep you posted for the latest news.</p>
              <p>Don&#39;t forget, You&#39;re awesome!</p>

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                  <h6>Tina Andrew <span class="text-muted text-xs">· 2 minutes ago</span></h6>

                  <p>Hello guys, nice to have you on the platform! There will be a lot of great stuff coming soon. We will keep you posted for the latest news.</p>
                  <p>Don&#39;t forget, You&#39;re awesome!</p>

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            <h4 class="mb-4">Refreshing workspace atmosphere</h4>
            <p>We’re not always in the position that we want to be at. We’re constantly growing. We’re constantly making mistakes. We’re constantly trying to express ourselves and actualize our dreams. <br><br> If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed.</p>
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            <h4 class="mb-4">Stand up for every move</h4>
            <p>Society has put up so many boundaries, so many limitations on what’s right and wrong that it’s almost impossible to get a pure thought out.It’s like a little kid, a little boy, looking at colors. <br> <br> Before somebody tells you you shouldn’t like pink because that’s for girls, or you’d instantly become a gay two-year-old. Why would anyone pick blue over pink? Pink is obviously a better color.</p>
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          <h2 class="text-dark mb-4">Improving the design complexity</h2>
          <p class="text-lg-start text-center mb-0">We’re constantly trying to express ourselves and actualize our dreams. If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed.</p>
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        <span class="badge badge-info mb-2">Living</span>
        <h2>A new way to buy your next home</h2>
          If you can’t decide, the answer is no. If two equally difficult paths,
          choose the one more painful in the short term (pain avoidance
          is creating an illusion of equality).
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            Short Sentences Gives You the Liberty
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          Paradoxically, using more short sentences gives you the liberty to write beautiful long sentences.
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          But in a way that&#39;s never been done before.
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            <p class="text-sm text-darker font-weight-bold mb-0">Mathew Glock</p>
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            5 Ways to Improve your Life.
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          Create first, edit second. Never do them at the same time.
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                How to Build a $24 Billion Dollar Company in Just 2 Years.
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              I&#39;ve come to the conclusion that 50% of folks in this world don&#39;t even
              spend enough time alone with their thoughts to have their own opinions.
              They haven&#39;t done the work to decide what they think. And that isn&#39;t a rewarding way to live.
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                <p class="text-sm text-darker font-weight-bold mb-0">L&#39;orea Sirman</p>
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                8 Powerful Mental Models to Help You Win.
            <p class="text-sm mb-0">By Andrew Peterson</p>
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                High performers are like surfers.
            <p class="text-sm">By L&#39;orea Michael</p>
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              <i class="material-symbols-rounded me-2">mic</i>Podcasts
            <p>An interview with Tesla founder.</p>
            <span class="text-xs">By Alexa Rossa</span>
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              <i class="material-symbols-rounded me-2">duo</i>
            <p>Make $500k through small biz or raise it from family.</p>
            <span class="text-xs">By Jonathan Silvia</span>
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              <i class="material-symbols-rounded me-2">podcasts</i>Podcasts
            <p>Lengthen your time horizon.</p>
            <span class="text-xs">By Andrew Joe</span>
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