File Structure
Material Kit is a premium Bootstrap 4 UI Kit that was built using Google's Material Design principles.
Material Kit Structure
Once you have downloaded the archive and opened it, you will find the following structure:
Restyled Components
Here is the list of Bootstrap 4 components that were restyled in Material Kit:
- Buttons
- Cards
- Inputs
- Select
- Textarea
- Menu
- Dropdown
- Progress Bars
- Navigation Menu
- Pagination
- Labels
- Notifications
- Typography
- Images
- Tables
- Tooltips
- Popovers
- Modal
- Carousel
New Components
Besides giving the existing Bootstrap elements a new look, we added new ones, so that the interface and consistent and homogenous. Going through them, we added:
- Tags
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Sliders
- Toggle Buttons
- Raised Areas
- Cards with tabs
- Datetimepicker
- Material Icons
- File Uploader
- New Modals