# Sliders

We restyled [noUI Slider](https://refreshless.com/nouislider/) and gave it a fresh look. We have a small Vue wrapper over it which makes it very easy to use it.

To use it, import it from the components folder

import {Slider} from 'src/components'

Global usage


For local usage

export default {
  components: {

# Simple slider with v-model

You can specify one of the known types to customize the look and feel of the slider. Type can be default|primary|info|danger|warning

  <slider v-model="sliderValue">

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        sliderValue: 30
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# Range slider

  <slider v-model="rangeSlider"

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        rangeSlider: [20, 50]
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# With stops

  <slider v-model="sliderValue" 
            :options="{step: 10}"

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        sliderValue: 30
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# Disabled

  <slider v-model="disabledSliderValue" 

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        disabledSliderValue: 50,
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# Slider Props

:::tip You can pass any noUi Slider options via the options prop. They might overwrite start, connect and range props if specified in the options object. :::

For example, in this case:

<slider :range="{min: 10, max: 50}" :options="{range: {min: 20, max: 40}}"

The options object will overwrite the range prop in this case.

# Switch events

Name Description Params
input triggers when the binding value changes the updated value