# Inputs

To use the custom form group inputs you don't need to import the custom made component, you can use it like this:

Helper text
  <label>Initial Value</label>
  <md-input v-model="initial"></md-input>
  <label>Type here!</label>
  <md-input v-model="type"></md-input>
  <span class="md-helper-text">Helper text</span>
  export default {
    data: () => ({
      initial: 'Initial Value',
      type: null

# Colors

If you want to change the color of the inputs focus you have just to add one of the classes `has-danger`, `has-white`, `has-rose`, `has-green`, `has-warning`, `has-info` on the component parent tag like in the example below. By default the color is `purple`.
  <md-field class="has-danger">
    <label>Initial Value</label>
    <md-input v-model="initial"></md-input>

Note: For more details about the all inputs that you can use please see the Input & Textarea section from vuematerial.io