File Structure
Once you have downloaded/cloned the the repo and opened it, you will find the following structure:
|-- vue-paper-dashboard
|-- App.vue
|-- main.js
|-- assets
| |-- css
| | |-- themify-icons.css
| |-- fonts
| | |-- themify.eot
| | |-- themify.svg
| | |-- themify.ttf
| | |-- themify.woff
| |-- img
| | |-- apple-icon.png
| | |-- background.jpg
| | |-- favicon.png
| | |-- new_logo.png
| | |-- tim_80x80.png
| | |-- vue-logo.png
| | |-- faces
| | |-- face-0.jpg
| | |-- face-1.jpg
| | |-- face-2.jpg
| | |-- face-3.jpg
| |-- sass
| |-- paper-dashboard.scss
| |-- paper
| |-- _alerts.scss
| |-- _buttons.scss
| |-- _cards.scss
| |-- _chartist.scss
| |-- _checkbox-radio.scss
| |-- _dropdown.scss
| |-- _footers.scss
| |-- _inputs.scss
| |-- _misc.scss
| |-- _mixins.scss
| |-- _navbars.scss
| |-- _responsive.scss
| |-- _sidebar-and-main-panel.scss
| |-- _tables.scss
| |-- _typography.scss
| |-- _variables.scss
| |-- mixins
| |-- _buttons.scss
| |-- _cards.scss
| |-- _chartist.scss
| |-- _icons.scss
| |-- _inputs.scss
| |-- _labels.scss
| |-- _navbars.scss
| |-- _sidebar.scss
| |-- _tabs.scss
| |-- _transparency.scss
| |-- _vendor-prefixes.scss
|-- components
| |-- Button.vue
| |-- Dropdown.vue
| |-- PaperTable.vue
| |-- index.js
| |-- Cards
| | |-- Card.vue
| | |-- ChartCard.vue
| | |-- StatsCard.vue
| |-- Inputs
| | |-- formGroupInput.vue
| |-- SidebarPlugin
| |-- MovingArrow.vue
| |-- SideBar.vue
| |-- SidebarLink.vue
| |-- index.js
|-- layout
| |-- dashboard
| |-- Content.vue
| |-- ContentFooter.vue
| |-- DashboardLayout.vue
| |-- MobileMenu.vue
| |-- TopNavbar.vue
|-- pages
| |-- Dashboard.vue
| |-- Icons.vue
| |-- Maps.vue
| |-- NotFoundPage.vue
| |-- Notifications.vue
| |-- TableList.vue
| |-- Typography.vue
| |-- UserProfile.vue
| |-- Notifications
| | |-- NotificationTemplate.vue
| |-- UserProfile
| |-- EditProfileForm.vue
| |-- MembersCard.vue
| |-- UserCard.vue
|-- plugins
| |-- globalComponents.js
| |-- globalDirectives.js
| |-- paperDashboard.js
|-- router
|-- index.js
|-- routes.js
The folder you should care the most is the SRC folder which contains the code for the dashboard and each of its pages